Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation Begins in Lower Manning Parking Lot

(Santa Barbara, CA. February 1, 2023)

The Montecito Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Montecito GSA) is installing monitoring wells to collect data on the Montecito Groundwater Basin. These grant-funded monitoring wells are representative of the type of information-gathering projects facilitated by the Montecito GSA as it takes on the task of ensuring that local groundwater supplies remain sustainable long-term.

Agency staff and consultant Dudek worked together to determine the most valuable well locations for securing missing information. The goal is to gain reliable regular data sources in strategic locations for crucial indicators such as local groundwater levels and quality, seasonal groundwater flow, and potential seawater intrusion. These monitoring and observation wells are currently being installed in the Santa Barbara County-owned Manning Park, and a similar project will take place on Montecito Sanitary District’s property early this year.

“We are far more knowledgeable about conditions than we were just three years ago. Data collected thus far indicates that the basin is in reasonably good health and that current conditions are sustainable,” says Board President Brian Goebel. “We’re working to fill critical data gaps and focusing on comprehensive, consistent monitoring, modeling, and knowledge acquisition to keep groundwater supplies secure for all stakeholders without taking any unnecessary actions.”

The Montecito Groundwater Basin supplies water for numerous public and private wells and the Montecito GSA is the local agency responsible for developing a Groundwater Sustainability Plan to provide for long-term health of the basin. Groundwater is heavily relied on for local residential, commercial and agricultural use—particularly during periods of drought. Since the Montecito GSA was founded in 2018, data collection, analysis, and plan development has been underway. Plan completion is on track for spring, 2023. Community members interested in learning more are invited to attend a Townhall Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 21st at 5:30 pm at the Montecito Fire Station #1, 595 San Ysidro Road, Montecito, California 93108.

The Montecito GSA’s mission is to ensure a reliable and sustainable groundwater supply for the community through effective basin management pursuant to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), legislated in 2014, recognizes that groundwater provides a significant portion of California’s water supply and that groundwater resources are most effectively managed at the local or regional level. To learn more about the Montecito GSA and the importance of groundwater for the community visit ; email ; or call 805.324.4207.

Project Schedule:

January 31st - February 28, 2023,
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Gregg Drilling, Inc. ;
No traffic impacts anticipated